Venus in Cancer Love Compatibility Guide

Venus in Cancer Love Compatibility

As an individual with Venus in Cancer, you enjoy reminiscing about the good old days with your loved one: when you first met, what you were both wearing, your first date, your first kiss… and on it goes.  You love the past because it is familiar, and it improves with the soft glow of time (and each retelling). Sentimental and romantic, you always remember birthdays and anniversaries – and expect others to do the same. 

With Venus in Cancer, falling in love and family go hand-in-hand. Once you meet Mr. or Ms.  Right then your strong nesting instinct immediately swings into gear, meaning  marriage, home, and children (and usually in that order). You like to feel the security of the family unit around you, and need domestic and emotional security the way other people need air and water. A solid home life is a must and you need to nurture, whether it’s your partner, your pets, or a bed of roses. You are the classic mother hen. You love and cherish your partner deeply and feel compelled to protect them from the rest of the world. Just watch it doesn’t become ‘smother love’ and end up driving them away. 

A real homebody, having Venus in Cancer, your idea of fun is a cozy night at home by the fire with your loved one (especially if your Sun is in Cancer too). You need a partner who is sensitive and understanding, because you are emotionally very vulnerable and easily hurt. You are usually dependable and honorable in love, but if you are feeling neglected or insecure, you can really go off the rails and become over-emotional  and clinging – and not averse to using emotional blackmail on occasion either. 

Additional Information on Men with Venus in Cancer

The Venus in Cancer man is usually attracted to sensitive, emotional women with one or more planets  in Cancer (or Scorpio and Pisces, which are the other water signs). The Venus in Cancer man often ends up with a woman who mothers them and is domestically oriented.

Venus in Cancer Love Compatibility Guide   

You and Venus in Aries 

The Venus in Aries and Venus in Cancer combination can be difficult, because you are looking for different things. You want a nurturing, secure relationship, and they want an exciting, passionate affair. This can lead to crossed wires and heartache. If your Sun is in Gemini or Leo, then there is a better chance of long-term success. 

You and Venus in Taurus 

As lovers, Venus in Cancer and Venus in Taurus are well suited. You both value domestic and financial security, and adore shared activities like cooking, gardening and entertaining at home. But there are potential problems – their stubbornness upsets you, while your moodiness  perplexes them.   

You and Venus in Gemini 

For Venus in Cancer and Venus in Gemini, you have much to offer each other – you enable them to get more in touch with their feelings, and they help bring out your playful side. You also both love children. But you can find their constant need for entertainment shallow, and they feel  swamped by your emotional demands. If your Sun is in Gemini and/or their Sun is in Cancer, then it can work well.   

You and Venus in Cancer 

In the Venus in Cancer and Venus in Cancer combination, you are both shy and private, but if you do manage to get together, this makes for a gentle and loving partnership. You love the joys of a shared home and family life and when things are going well the relationship is chocolate-box perfect. But you are both moody and subject to getting the blues (hopefully not at the same time!)   

You and Venus in Leo 

In the Venus in Cancer and Venus in Leo relationship, you are both warm and demonstrative with your affections, and into lots of kissing and cuddling. You lavish plenty of attention and tender loving care on them (which they love) and they make you feel appreciated and needed (which you love). Just watch it doesn’t slide into a relationship where they are the generous master and you are the willing servant!   

You and Venus in Virgo 

In the Venus in Cancer and Venus in Virgo combination, you are both shy about making the first move, but – once you take the plunge – this makes for a mutually supportive and beneficial partnership. You help them relate to their emotions, and they help you analyze yours. But their well-meant ‘constructive’ criticism can leave you feeling hurt and insecure.   

You and Venus in Libra 

In the Venus in Cancer and Venus in Libra combination, in some ways you are similar. You both crave constant companionship, love to set up a beautiful home, and are perfect hosts. You are both kind and considerate, and enjoy exchanging carefully chosen gifts. But you approach emotional problems very differently. They talk and talk and rationalize everything, while you clam up and remain silent and sulky.   

You and Venus in Scorpio 

The Venus in Cancer and Venus in Scorpio combination makes for an intense and emotionally-charged relationship with many highs and lows. When things are running smoothly you are a passionately devoted couple but, when you disagree, expect power struggles (Crab vs Scorpion) and long moody silences as you withdraw from each other.   

You and Venus in Sagittarius 

In the Venus in Cancer and Venus in Sagittarius combination, there are major differences here. You are dependent and security-conscious where as they are independent and freedom-conscious. While you’re dreaming of a house with a picket fence and roses, they are looking out the window and humming ‘On the Road Again…’ If you are the homemaker and they are a travelling salesperson, it could work! 

You and Venus in Capricorn 

With Venus in Cancer and Venus in Capricorn, you are complete opposites – and that’s where the attraction lies. With careful nurturing, this relationship can bring you both into balance. You help them to get in touch with their emotions, and they encourage you to be more confident and  self-reliant. Expect a few bumps along the way though.   

You and Venus in Aquarius 

In the Venus in Cancer and Venus in Aquarius combination, you each require different things from a relationship. You need security and commitment, and they want freedom and variety. You are all heart and they are all head, which can lead to communication problems. If your Sun is in Gemini and/or their Sun is in Pisces, then there is a better chance of long-term success.   

You and Venus in Pisces 

A Venus in Cancer and Venus in Pisces are a couple of old softies! Candlelit dinners, love letters, romantic movies – the more mushy and sentimental the better. You both run on a high emotional level and are sensitive to each other’s moods. At times you can find them unreliable and they can find you overprotective, but this combination usually works well. 


Venus in Leo Love Compatibility Guide


Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility Guide