Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility Guide

Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility

As an individual with Venus in Gemini, you approach conversation and relationships in much the same way. You don’t like to concentrate on one person for too long, in case there’s someone more interesting waiting around the next corner. In the pool of love, those with Venus in Aries jump in the deep end head first, but with Venus in Gemini you prefer to dabble your toe in the shallow end. You don’t like to get too deep and meaningful – it might spoil the fun. 

Having Venus in Gemini, you are not known for fidelity in love; fickle is your middle name! You like love to be all fun and no responsibility. You are a natural and brilliant flirt, leaving. a trail of broken hearts behind as you skip off to your next encounter with love. If you do stay in a long-term relationship, chances are you also have an affair going on  the side. Gemini is the sign of the twins and dual relationships are common (especially if your Sun is in Gemini too) as one partner is often not enough to satisfy your craving for variety. 

With Venus in Gemini, the key to you falling and staying in love is mental stimulation. You require a partner who can match you intellectually, continually sate your curiosity, and keep  you guessing. If they can do so, they will find you to be an entertaining, witty and lively companion. You are very restless and live life at a fast pace (less so if your Sun is in Taurus or Cancer) and need a partner who can keep up with you. Clinging wallflowers need not apply! 

Additional Information on Men with Venus in Gemini 

A Venus in Gemini man is usually attracted to lively, sociable women, with one or more planets in Gemini (or Libra and Aquarius, which are the other air signs). A Venus in Gemini man appreciates a woman who is intelligent and logical (the over-emotional type does not appeal). A woman who – like you – thrives on variety and change.   

Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility Guide   

You and Venus in Aries 

In the Venus in Gemini and Venus in Aries combination there is an instant mutual attraction. You have so much in common: including a love of excitement, variety, adventure and talking. But the moment problems arise in the relationship (as they always do) neither of you has the patience to work things out and so you usually call it quits.   

You and Venus in Taurus 

For Venus in Gemini and Venus in Taurus, you have very different approaches to love. You want a relationship that is fun and is constantly changing, whereas they value fidelity and consistency. They find your frantic pace hard to keep up with, and you find their homely hobbies boring. If your Sun is in Taurus and/or their Sun is in Gemini then there is a better chance of  long-term success. 

You and Venus in Gemini 

For a double Venus in Gemini your relationship is one big round of parties and socializing, and you share lots of stimulating conversation and good times together. With this combination it’s unlikely you’ll stretch each other emotionally, but you certainly won’t be bored.   

You and Venus in Cancer 

In the Venus in Gemini and Venus in Cancer pair, you have much to offer each other – you help bring out the playful child in them, and they enable you to get more in touch with your feelings. But they can find your constant need for entertainment shallow, and you can feel swamped by their dependence and emotional demands. If your Sun is in Cancer and/or their Sun is in Gemini, then it can work well.   

You and Venus in Leo 

Venus in Gemini and Venus in Leo makes for a lively relationship. You both love going out, meeting people, spirited conversation and having fun. You are also very supportive of each other’s talents. It’s not all smooth sailing though – you find them possessive and stubborn, while they accuse you of being fickle and inconsistent.   

You and Venus in Virgo 

In the Venus in Gemini and Venus in Virgo combination, you are both into relating on a mental level and enjoy good conversation, ideas, debate, reading and so on. But you approach love very differently. They’re into perfection, whereas you’re slap-dash. They want to work on the relationship until its ‘perfect’ but at the first sign of trouble (and hard work) you head for the door.   

You and Venus in Libra 

Venus in Gemini and Venus in Libra are well suited in love. You both want a relationship high on harmony, communication and good times, and low on conflict and emotional hassles. However, there could be minor hiccups – you would like them to be more adventurous and  they wish you were more romantic.   

You and Venus in Scorpio 

With Venus in Gemini and Venus in Scorpio, your relationship needs are poles apart. Their motto is ‘till death do us part,’ while yours is ‘till boredom do us part’. They want deep and meaningful emotional exchange, while you want mental stimulation and light-hearted good times. If your Sun is in Cancer and/or their Sun is in Libra, then there is more chance of finding  some middle ground.   

You and Venus in Sagittarius 

The Venus in Gemini and Venus in Sagittarius combination makes for a high-energy partnership. You are both restless and easily bored and share diverse interests from socializing to mountain-climbing.  You both want a hassle-free relationship with no heavy demands or commitments.  Often you stay together for many years, despite no formal ties and mutual infidelities along the way. 

You and Venus in Capricorn 

In the Venus in Gemini and Venus in Capricorn combination, the two of you can be at cross-purposes in love. You crave variety and change and they need security and stability; you want to party and they want to work; you find them too serious and they think you’re too shallow… and on it goes. For this relationship to survive, you’ll need plenty of tolerance and understanding.   

You and Venus in Aquarius 

The Venus in Gemini and Venus in Aquarius combination works well and is usually based on a strong friendship. Intrigued by each other (you admire their unpredictability and they find you witty and amusing), the two of you are into mental sparring and spontaneous adventures. You don’t get too deep and meaningful, but the relationship is never dull.   

You and Venus in Pisces 

In the Venus in Gemini and Venus in Pisces combination, you have opposite approaches to love (pure logic verses pure emotion), so this relationship usually follows one of two scenarios. You drift together, encounter a relationship of mutual attraction and misunderstanding, and then drift apart. Or you stay together – still never fully understanding each other – but both adaptable enough to accommodate the differences. 


Venus in Cancer Love Compatibility Guide


Venus in Taurus Love Compatibility Guide