Wpływ znaków Księżyca na inteligencję emocjonalną

Astrologically, the moon sign plays the vital role in determining precisely how we process, express, and manage our emotions. While the sun sign rules over our core identity and outward personality, the moon sign is associated with those aspects of our emotional landscape and instinctive reactions. The characteristics of the moon sign influence emotional intelligence, […]

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Znaki "wielkiej trójki" w astrologii

Your sun, moon, and rising signs are known as your “big three” signs in astrology — think of them as your most significant astrological stats.These Big 3 Astrology signs are super important in your birth chart, and each rules over its own part of your personality and overall self. While the sun represents the core

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Uzdrawianie znaku Księżyca

Astrologicznie rzecz biorąc, znaki Księżyca mogą być znacznie bardziej interesujące niż znaki Słońca. Znaki Słońca dotyczą bardziej zewnętrznej tożsamości osoby, energii, którą promieniują na otaczający je świat. Znaki Księżyca dotyczą tożsamości emocjonalnej; emocje dyktują to, co manifestujesz w swoim życiu. Znaki Księżyca pokazują energię, którą czerpiesz z otoczenia.

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How Your Moon Sign Affects Your Ability to Manifest

Astrologically speaking, Moon signs can be much more interesting than Sun signs.Sun signs deal more with the external identity of a person, the energy they radiate to the world around them.  Moon signs deal with the emotional identity; emotions dictate what you manifest into your life. Moon signs show the energy that you pull in

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Moon in Aries

Aries is an active, fiery sign, but the Moon is cool and passive. This disparity gives great brilliance and sharpness to the senses, but also results in a nervous temperament. If you have the Moon in Aries, you have a high-strung disposition. Your sense-impressions of the world around you are swift and instantaneous, and you

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Księżyc w Byku

The Moon is at its best in Taurus (in astrological terminology, the Moon is exalted in this sign). The stable sign of Taurus steadies and strengthens the Moon’s otherwise changeable, erratic influence. The Moon in this position gives you great powers of concentration. You live your life the way you tackle a job: systematically and

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Księżyc w Bliźniętach

In the lively, restless sign of Gemini the Moon’s sway becomes more mutable and erratic. This does not make all Moon-in-Gemini children flighty, frivolous, and frenetic, but almost always indicates an active mind, an imaginative and creative personality, and someone who is inclined toward intellectual pursuits. If you have a Moon in this position you

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Księżyc w Raku

Księżyc znajduje się w swoim naturalnym domu w Raku, ponieważ to jest znak, którym rządzi Księżyc. Tutaj ujawniają się najlepsze cechy Księżyca — oddanie, cierpliwość, wrażliwość. Romantyczny, intuicyjny znak Raka i zmysłowy, receptywny Księżyc są w harmonii ze sobą. Jeśli masz Księżyc w Raku, masz

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Księżyc w Pannie

The sign of Virgo stabilizes the shifting effect of the Moon. Virgo is the sign of intelligence and practicality, which gives a sharp analytical bent to the Moon’s influence. If you have the Moon in Virgo you have a fine, discriminating mind. You do not pursue knowledge merely for the sake of learning; you figure

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Księżyc w Wadze - szczegółowe cechy osobowości

   Having a Libra Moon, the emotional thinking conscious part of the inner self is ruled by Masculine Venusian energy. This influence upon the inner self brings a need for peace, harmony, love, beauty, and pleasure to feel balanced. Seeking happiness and a feeling a sense of belonging is an intricate part of the actions that a

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Moon in Scorpio – Detailed Personality Traits

   Having your Moon is in the water sign of Scorpio it is considered to be debilitated and in a hard place of expression. This occurs because the nature of the inner world governed by Scorpio is contradictory to the exalted and beneficial placement of the Moon in Taurus, its opposite. The Moon’s nature normally seeks stability, and

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Moon in Sagittarius

In Sagittarius, the Moon takes on a sparkle and brightness that it does not have in other signs. Sagittarius is the astrological sign of higher learning and breadth of vision. Here the Moon’s influence loses its passivity. If you have the Moon in Sagittarius you are noted for your quick, sharp mind, extraordinary insights, and

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Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn has both a stabilizing and restrictive effect on the shifting influence of the Moon. The Moon represents the emotional, sympathetic side of a personality whereas Capricorn is an unemotional and undemonstrative sign. People with the Moon in this position have to overcome obstacles and complexities within their own natures to find the happiness they

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Księżyc w Wodniku

Wodnik jest najbardziej sprzyjającym znakiem dla Księżyca, ponieważ tutaj wpływ Księżyca nadaje podziwiane cechy wrażliwości i percepcji. Wodnik jest astrologicznym znakiem racjonalnego myślenia i humanitaryzmu; w tym znaku wpływ Księżyca polega na nadaniu jasnej logiki z altruistycznymi troskami. Jeśli masz Księżyc w Wodniku

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