The Meaning of the Number 3

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Numerologists recognize that 3 is the number of the child – it symbolizes the growth and magic that results from the combination of two other things; it’s the metaphorical child brought forth from two parents, full of energy and possibility. This number is the fruits of your labors, it carries meaning, power and an abundance of energy that is SO much more than the sum of its parts.

But What Does This Really Mean?

Well, using the ancient art of Numerology, you can see that numbers are SO much more than just digits; they hold unique vibrational patterns (or archetypes) and are containers of the currents of divine, universal life, in which we all flow.

Numbers can be used to describe everything from the DNA sequences that connect you to your ancestors, to your most ordinary and everyday encounters.

Everything in life has a sacred purpose, and numbers can help you figure out what that is. For this reason, we like to think of Numerology as “decoding the voice of the Universe”.

As well as describing the world around you, numbers and their archetypal, spiritual energy will often serve as signposts, indicating the best decisions to make and the next steps to take. This means that getting to know their unique qualities can bring a huge amount of insight, reassurance, and guidance for you, whilst you navigate the path of your life.


The Number 3 in Numerology: Step Up to the Stage!

In Numerology, it’s recognized that the number 3 – more than any other number – pertains to performance and expression!

People with this number in their Numerology charts – as the Life Path Number, Destiny (Expression) Number or Soul Urge Number are always on the lookout for fun, and bursting with self-confidence,  enthusiasm, and charm. In fact, the number three has a zeal for life that’s infectious. But it’s not all for show. The number three has highly creative energy, is very forward-focused and has many great interpersonal skills. As well as being willing to take the limelight, a person with this number in their chart will tend to be good at putting others at ease by reading the room, cracking just the right number of jokes and keeping the atmosphere light.

Shadow Traits of the Number 3

With such a happy-go-lucky personality, the three can sometimes suffer from not being taken seriously enough. They may miss out on opportunities, promotions or invitations because they’re perceived as not being serious enough. Not true. They just prefer to look on the bright side!

Such hugely positive enthusiasm for life and all its variety can make it tricky for number threes to settle down into developing the few interests, gifts, and talents that it would really serve them to master. A little like number fives, it’s super-important for the person who has an abundance of this energy in their life, to learn discipline (especially from a young age).

Another pitfall of the number 3, can be inauthenticity. Which seems counterintuitive, being such expressive folks, but it’s common for threes to become so adept at playing the role they think others expect of them, that they lose touch with who they really are. So it’s not fakery, it’s simply “playing to the crowd”. Digging deep, and working through the self-criticism and judgment that rise is where number threes will find their greatest strength.


The Meaning of the Number 1


The Meaning of the Number 5