10 Revitalizing Essential Oil Blends

The method of preparing an essential oil blend is simple. You just mix up the essential oils you have as ingredients, each of them at its recommended measurement.

There are a good number of essential oil scents that revitalize your body even when it has been feeling lazy and lacking in motivation, and they include citrus scents. You can therefore blend some citrus scented essential oils with other beautiful scents, to create a revitalizing essential oil blend.

Sunshine oil blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Lemongrass essential oil – 6 drops 

  2. Orange essential oil – 4 drops

  3. Peppermint essential oil – 2 drop

  4. Coconut oil – 12 drops

Summer Scented Breeze oil blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Orange essential oil – 5 drops 

  2. Lime essential oil – 5 drops 

  3. Spearmint essential oil – 2 drop 

  4. Jojoba oil – 12 drops 

Bright Day Scents essential oil blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Tangerine essential oil – 5 drops

  2. Lemon essential oil – 5 drops 

  3. Peppermint essential oil – 2 drop 

  4. Almond oil – 12 drops

Sea Breeze scents oil blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Lime essential oil – 5 drops 

  2. Lavender essential oil – 5 drops 

  3. Spearmint essential oil – 2 drops 

  4. Coconut oil – 12 drops 

Warm Day scents oil blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Lime essential oil – 4 drops 

  2. Tangerine essential oil – 4 drops 

  3. Spearmint essential oil – 4 drops 

  4. Grapefruit oil – 12 drops 

Beach Flowery oil blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Spearmint essential oil – 4 drops 

  2. Tangerine essential oil – 4 drops 

  3. Bergamot essential oil – 4 drops 

  4. Olive oil – 12 drops 

Energizing Summer Oil Blend

The ingredients are:

  1. Orange essential oil – 5 drops 

  2. Lemongrass essential oil – 5 drops 

  3. Wintergreen essential oil – 5 drops 

  4. Jojoba oil – 15 drops 

Sunny Kiss Summer Oil Blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Juniper Berry essential oil – 5 drops 

  2. Grapefruit essential oil – 5 drops 

  3. Orange essential oil – 2 drops 

  4. Coconut oil – 8 drops

Summer Lemonade Oil Blend

The required ingredients are:

  1. Lemon essential oil – 8 drops 

  2. Spearmint essential oil – 2 drops 

  3. Basil essential oil – 2 drops 

  4. Olive oil – 6 drops 

Islander’s Oil blend

The ingredients are:

  1. Orange essential oil – 6 drops 

  2. Ginger essential oil – 4 drops

  3. Ylang Ylang essential oil – 4 drops

  4. Jojoba oil – 6 drops


The Benefits of Essential Oils


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