North Nodes in Astrology: What Happens if You Don’t Fulfill Your Destiny in Old Age?

Throughout history, people have wondered if their path in life has been predetermined or if they are just going through life one random step at a time. In astrology, the north and south nodes refer to your destinies — one that you have already lived and one that you have yet to live. The nodes offer guidance on what direction you must take to feel fulfilled and happy.

What happens when you fail to follow your destined path? Younger people can often steer their lives in the right direction because they have the luxury of time. However, for older adults, this question becomes more urgent. As they reach the sunset of their lives, have they run out of time to follow their destiny?

What Are the North and South Nodes?

The lunar nodes are essential aspects of your astrological birth chart. They reveal your past and your destined path in life. The lunar nodes are coordinates. They are points in space where the moon’s orbit and the sun’s path cross. In astrology, the lunar nodes are divided into two direct opposites — the north and south nodes.

Your south node highlights qualities and energies from your past lives. These qualities, lessons and inner wisdom are innate to you, and they are your comfort zone. You hold on to your south node because it is safe, but in doing so, you remain in the same place.

Meanwhile, your north node is your true north. These are qualities opposite to your comfort zone, which you must develop throughout your life. You must work hard to progress and evolve toward your destiny to achieve fulfillment.

It takes 19 years for the lunar nodes to make a complete revolution and return to their position when you are born. Thus, every 19 years, you may experience fated events and connections, creating a karmic pattern.

How Can I Follow My North Node?

Here are some ways you can work toward following your destined path:

  • Study your north and south nodes: Start by finding out your north and south nodes. Input your birth date, time and location on a lunar node calculator and read your results. Study your lunar nodes carefully and find out what your path in life is.

  • Learn which habits you must let go: Based on your south node, list all habits you need to let go of. What innate qualities from your past life are not serving you in this lifetime?

  • Learn which habits to embrace: List all the habits you need to follow to fulfill your north node. What qualities must you nurture to reach inner balance and a sense of fulfillment?

  • Set goals: Create realistic and actionable plans that will help you reach your life’s purpose and destiny. What can you do to embody the qualities outlined by your north node?

  • Keep track of your progress: Help yourself commit to your goals by keeping track of your progress. If your north node calls upon you to cultivate your social relationships and work cooperatively with others, list what you have done to move closer to that. What actions did you take that helped you get closer to your goal?

  • Reflect: Take some time to reflect on your journey towards your destiny. What have you learned about yourself so far? How do you feel about your journey and yourself after the work you have put in?

  • Be kind to yourself: Lastly, be kind to yourself. Understand that your north node is not solid or specific. A north node will never tell you that you must become the most successful person in the world. Instead, it encourages you to take a particular path to self-improvement. Your north node will encourage you to become a better leader or to be more assertive.

What Happens if I Fail to Follow My North Node?

Your north node is not something you accomplish or fail. It is your karmic path in life, and the path is not measured in absolutes — it is measured in progress. Following your north node means working towards your destiny and evolving, growing and learning.

You may feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled if you’re not aligned with your north node right now. You may sense that something is missing and that you haven’t realized your true potential yet. However, you have not failed. You simply need to steer yourself in the right direction and evolve.

Can I Still Follow My Destiny in Old Age?

Growth can happen at any time of your life. Whether young or old, there is always room for change, and your destined path is always open for you to follow. Older adults can still work toward their predestined path and develop habits to cultivate the right qualities. They can do things more appropriate to their age and energy but still have the right core intent.

For instance, those with Aries north nodes have an independent spirit and a tendency for leadership. Older individuals can still work towards that path in their own way. For instance, they can take on a leadership role by starting a book club. Doing so can help them in more ways than one. They can enhance their social connections and help them work with others. They can also improve their well-being by reducing stress and improving cognitive function.

Another example would be Sagittarius north nodes, which are encouraged to be adventurous and step out of their comfort zones. Trekking around the world may not be possible or practical anymore for some older people. However, they can take the core idea — adventure — and apply it elsewhere. They can walk around the city and see places they haven’t visited. They can also explore nature by hiking, camping or simply taking a leisurely stroll.

Whatever your lunar nodes may be, you can still follow your destiny in your own way. Do what works best for you in your age and capability. You’re doing the right thing if you feel more fulfilled and attuned to yourself after following your north node.

Following Your Destiny at Any Age

Embracing your north node can lead to a life of happiness, fulfillment and enrichment. However, due to personal choices or unforeseen events, some may not have had the opportunity to follow their north node. The good news is that people can follow their destiny at any point in their lives. Lunar nodes are guides to one’s purpose and potential in life. Trust in yourself and work towards your destiny in your own way.
