Sun in Leo with Moon in Gemini and Taurus Rising Personality Traits:
With a Leo Sun Gemini Moon, you crave attention! Never happy unless all eyes are upon you, your flair for drama, wit, and facility of expression guarantee you the adoration your ego demands. And no one will ever accuse you of lacking ego! You are outspoken and you express yourself with dramatic flair and gusto. You are well-known for your sarcasm and incisive perceptions, and yours can be the combination of orator, humorist, speech writer, or playwright. (George Bernard Shaw was a Leo Sun Gemini Moon.) But it can also be the combination of the con artist.
Leos are lazy, and you are no exception. A master at delegating responsibility, you avoid work or anything that smacks of discipline and concentration as if it were the plague. No matter how determined and industrious you may seem to others, that inner Gemini restlessness and impatience repeatedly cause you to shirk your responsibilities.
As an individual with a Leo Sun Gemini Moon, it’s not easy for you to concentrate your energies on one pursuit. Your greatest joy is constant variety, and your inquisitive mind is always in search of adventure. Stop living so much for the excitement and thrills of the moment and concentrate more on long-term self-fulfillment. If you are patient, you will accomplish much more in the long run.
Having a Leo Sun Gemini Moon, ideally, the creative thoughts of your Leo personality can find fantastic expression through journalism, writing, film, or drama. But, actually, you can excel in almost any area you choose, for your combination endows versatility. You can be a tremendous salesperson as you can talk circles around most people.
You will probably spend much of your time trying to gain social prominence and acceptance. For some Leo Sun Gemini Moon individuals, this can be all-consuming. Often, a heavy social schedule is really your way of shirking responsibility; you often avoid the very challenges that could reward you with genuine self-esteem and recognition.
If you have a Leo Sun Gemini Moon, people think of you as sympathetic, kind, and easy-going. But you are really quite detached. All of those outbursts of passion and pathos are mostly showmanship, and it’s amazing how easily you can break off an attachment or relationship without shedding a tear. Your ability to observe and evaluate others from a distance makes you a highly perceptive critic, though it may cause your friends much disillusionment.
With a Leo Sun Gemini Moon, you are open and uninhibited in love, you are never afraid to tell your partner how you feel. Romance is of course a revolving door, because of your deep-seated need for variety and excitement. You are most compatible with those who can give you intellectual stimulation as well as physical satisfaction.
Keywords For A Leo Sun Gemini Moon:
Creative mind; warm spontaneity; humorous; intuitive and analytical; friendly; restless and sociable; clever and resourceful; high aspirations; imagination; organizing ability; youthful spirit; proud and independent; romantic; honorable but playful.
Восходящий Телец
If you have Taurus Rising you tend to be placid and easygoing. You also have charming social manners and a strong artistic bent, for the sign of Taurus is ruled by Венера, planet of love and esthetics. You want to create beauty and harmony in your life, and many Taurus Rising individuals have a flair for writing, decorating, or composing music.
Восходящие Тельцы не навязывают свое мнение другим. С другой стороны, приняв решение (после должного обдумывания), вы редко его меняете. Вы придерживаетесь своих взглядов и можете быть очень упрямыми и настырными. Вы также довольно твердо стоите на своем, хотя поначалу это не всегда заметно.
With Taurus Rising, it’s the little clues that give you away: you may eat the same breakfast day in and day out; if you are fond of a particular color (possibly in the blue or rose family, which are Taurean colors), you may use it repeatedly in your clothes and throughout your дом. Doing things the same way you’ve always done them gives you a sense of stability, and this is a fundamental need.
Восходящие Тельцы имеют репутацию ленивых людей, которая не совсем заслужена. Это правда, что вы любите комфорт, элегантность, роскошь, физическую легкость и много отдыха. Тем не менее, вы можете работать и работаете очень усердно, особенно если вас мотивирует обещание денег или одобрение любимого человека.
Восходящий Телец, вы решительны, настойчивы и волевы, обладаете бесконечным терпением, чтобы довести начатое дело до конца и добиться успеха.
Телец - знак богатства и материальных благ, и для вас, восходящего Тельца, и то и другое чрезвычайно важно. Вы склонны задумываться о своей будущей безопасности: Хватит ли вам денег, чтобы не умереть с голоду? Сможете ли вы заплатить за квартиру в следующем году? Эти страхи и переживания не имеют под собой реальной основы. На самом деле, хотя в молодости вам, возможно, придется бороться за деньги, с годами люди с Восходящим Тельцом обычно накапливают богатство.
Восходящий Телец, владение вещами иногда превращается в манию: вы жаждете обладать вещами, а когда вы владеете чем-то, то ревностно охраняете это и переживаете, если теряете. Вы никогда не смиритесь с тем, что вещи ломаются, рвутся, изнашиваются, теряются и крадутся.
With Taurus Rising, in relationships you tend to be jealous and possessive, although you are adept at hiding this. One of your weak points is your vanity, and you rarely forgive anyone who ridicules you. Having to cope with rivalry is hard for you. You may try to pretend the prize is not worthy of your talents.
У людей с восходящим Тельцом, как правило, необычайно красивое лицо, большие круглые глаза и чистая кожа. Часто ваша шея короткая и толстая, а тело производит впечатление тяжести и прочности. Лишний вес - это проблема, особенно в зрелом возрасте.
The planet Venus, which rules Taurus, is very prominent in your карта рождения. The influence of Venus bestows grace; charm; a love of pleasure, art, adornment, and social awareness. It also encourages overindulgence, superficiality, jealousy, and conceit.
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