Sol em Aquário com Lua em Capricórnio

Sun in Aquarius with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:

Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon

With an Aquarius Sun Capricorn Lua, you are a broad-minded, deeply thinking citizen of the world who feels the yoke of personal responsibility to those less capable than yourself. Your complete integrity and dedicated search for a truth that is practicable and helpful to the majority makes you loved and respected by friends and colleagues. Honesty, firmness of purpose, and crystal-clear foresight are your finest gifts, and make you an individual others will not forget. They feel they can depend upon you utterly because you believe in the highest and best in others, and therefore tend to bring out the best.

É como o Velho Abe - honesto até ao âmago, mas tão astuto quanto possível; o detentor da autoridade, o apoiante dos fracos, o pai e o irmão, o igual, o vizinho e o amigo. Sendo um ser social, interessa-se pela sociedade e pelas suas normas e necessidades, e ocupar-se-á das pessoas de alguma forma - liderando-as, pensando e escrevendo sobre elas ou cuidando delas. Por vezes, pode estar dividido entre o seu idealismo humanitário e o seu cinismo instintivo em relação à natureza humana. No entanto, com o tempo e com esforço, conseguirá normalmente combinar estes dois lados de si próprio, procurando descobrir o lado bom e valioso da vida e adaptar os seus valores humanitários ao mundo tal como o encontra.

As an individual with an Aquarius Sol Capricorn Moon, you readily identify with all types of people, but you also know how to get the best out of them and instill them with a sense of their own dignity. Like Old Abe, you think that ‘God must have loved the common man; he made so many of them’. And you, like God, will love them too, more often than not in a paternalistic sort of way.

Com um Sol em Aquário Lua em Capricórnio, you are a rugged individualist. Directing your stern, self-demanding ambition into realizing your whole, honorable self, you create your own success. It is all the more splendid because of your utter conviction to solid principles and because of your respect for human worth and ethical conduct. All these qualities give you an enormous appeal to many different types of people – superiors, inferiors, royals, down-and-outs, strangers, next of kin. Talking to each one in their own language, you can put them at ease, for they sense that you understand them and that they are being treated as an equal in the most exalted sense of the term.

Your natural authority seldom offends because it has an egalitarian quality. You make a good manager, teacher, writer, or actor – professions that require maximum self-motivation but which allow for contact with and guidance of others. You stand on your own two feet readily and happily, and very rarely do you lose sight of your aim. Ambitious, yes, but only to be yourself, to find and perform your true vocation, and hopefully to help others to do the same along the way.

Keywords for an Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon:

Firme; engenhoso; independente; honesto; senso comum; fiável; perspicaz; talento organizacional; compreensão; sabedoria prática; previsão; económico; paternal; fraterno; mente aberta; reformador prático; tecnologia aplicada; inventivo.

Descubra os segredos do seu eu cósmico e obtenha clareza sobre o seu caminho de vida único. Um Análise profunda do mapa astral e da numerologia oferece uma visão profunda que o ajudará a navegar pelas voltas e reviravoltas da vida com confiança e objetivo.

Análise do mapa natal