What Does Your Birth Date Number Mean?

Derived from the date of the month on which you were born, your Birth Day number indicates which skills you possess, as well as any challenges you may need to overcome. Both are gifts that will help you along your life's path.

Calculating your Birth Day number couldn't be easier: it is simply the date -- and the date alone -- of your birth, unreduced. So whether you were born on January 10 or July 10, your Birth Day number is 10. The month and year in which you were born do not matter, nor does it matter that a 10 normally reduces to a 1. All that matters is that one single- or double-digit number defines the special talents that make up who you are. Just look up the date of your birthday below to hone in on the skills you may have never even realized you possess!


You are a determined leader in the truest sense and can gain the support and trust of others easily, even when your highly independent self would rather work alone.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 1st >>


You are very sensitive and diplomatic, and your warm demeanor is a strength when dealing with or mediating others. Your intuition is strong, tapping you into the inner thoughts of those around you.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 2nd >>


Whether you've worked at it or not, you have a highly-developed creative talent and are a natural-born artist. Your affectionate demeanor and wit make you a social star.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 3rd >>


You're every employer's dream: a hardworking, detail-oriented individual with high principles. And still, you maintain a sense of compassion for others and a love of close family.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 4th >>


You're lusty ... wanderlust-y, that is. Your eccentric self loves a change of scene and craves travel and adventure. You are highly adaptable, communicative, and relate well to others.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 5th >>


You're a generous family person, a kind soul with a strong skill in keeping the peace. You are able to resolve unrest between loved ones by easily finding the best middle ground.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 6th >>


Your mind is your greatest asset. You enjoy contemplating on any topic, from the scientific to the spiritual, and have a great sense of focus. You take nothing at face value and can rely on your strong intuition to find truths that are hidden to others.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 7th >>


You're an "ideas person" when it comes to dreaming up new ventures, and you back this with a creative approach to business and money matters. You are efficient, realistic, and confident in your skills, always up for a challenge.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 8th >>


Your open mind, relentless optimism and compassion for your fellow man make you true humanitarian. You are charming and well-liked by others, and find it easy to relate to others, regardless of their differences.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 9th >>


You are highly ambitious and (no surprise!) yearn for independence so that you can follow your dreams however you see fit. Your drive for success is strong, and you can rely on your analytical mind and solid managerial skills.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 10th >>


You're an optimist, but not naive: your rose-colored view of the world is matched with a strong sense of confidence and determination. You are a dreamer, and your intuition is highly refined, helping you to reach an understanding of others.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 11th >>


You are a true artist, bringing creativity to everything from your home and style to the way you express yourself. Your enthusiastic nature, imagination and wit make you the light of your social circle.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 12th >>


You're "the rock" in your family and community, and dependable above all else. You are organized and detail-oriented, using these skills in everything from nose-to-the-grindstone work to artistic endeavors.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 13th >>


Hello, globetrotter! Your restless nature flocks toward the unexpected twists and turns of travel and variety. While you possess an analytical mind, on the outside you are a very social, communicative, and lucky person.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 14th >>


Your creative spirit pushes you toward artistic expression. While you possess strong instincts in business and financial matters, your sensitivity and range of talents make you accessible to those around you.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 15th >>


Never quite at home in the "real world," you love to concentrate your focus on big ideas. Your interests lie in the spiritual and philosophical realms of life, and your intuition is excellent.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 16th >>


Your lofty ambitions and towering goals are balanced out by your grounding skills in finances and business. Your judgment is practical and efficient, and your confidence level is high, motivating you to meet the expectations of others, and yourself.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 17th >>


Not only are you a natural leader, but your leadership also inspires others. You have a keen understanding of other people and could be an efficient manager or politician. You are broadminded and able to express yourself well.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 18th >>


You are highly ambitious and thrive on independence. Your pioneering, risk-taking nature is balanced with creativity and sensitivity to help you succeed in a wide variety of endeavors.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 19th >>


You're like a mood ring, reflecting the emotions, desires and fears of the people who surround you. Your intuition and sensitivity are strong, and you must fight to keep a healthy distance from others.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 20th >>


Your creative visions and unique ideas are propelled by your determination to succeed. Your imagination is the driving force behind nearly everything you do, and your passionate nature is reflected in your love of other people.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 21st >>


You have a strong professional drive and flock toward innovative business rather than supporting the status quo. Your greatest strength is in your unusually dualistic perception: you are able to envision what you want and actually make your desires materialize.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 22nd >>


You love change, excitement, and risk, and thankfully, you are quite adaptable and easy to get along with. Your skills in affection and communication are strong, and your creative, versatile mind loves the experience of something new.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 23rd >>


You are family-oriented, with a gift for restoring and maintaining balance, peace, and harmony in relationships. You are an emotional soul who is willing to sacrifice for the good of others. Your strongest skills lie in healing and mediation.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 24th >>


Your rational, analytical mind is balanced with a strong intuition, giving you the gift of broad knowledge, and understanding to help you make the best decisions.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 25th >>


Your strong sense of business and financial affairs is supported by a creative, daring mindset, making you a confident and capable professional leader -- just don't lose sight of the details within the bigger picture.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 26th >>


You make an efficient manager, capable of organizing the facts and inspiring others. Your knack for creativity and expression, paired with a strong understanding of others, helps you excel in such diverse fields as politics, art, and law.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 27th >>


You have a gentle air of authority about you but feel most comfortable leading others when there's a sense of cooperation and teamwork. While your mind is rational, your thinking is unconventional and idealistic.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 28th >>


You have a rich imagination and a visual approach to every area of your life. Your intuition is your greatest asset, and your connection to higher spiritual forces is strong.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 29th >>


You are an artist to your very core. You are a sociable person, and others perceive you as a charming and inspiring individual. While you seek harmony in all that you do, you must always remind yourself to balance your imagination with a sense of discipline.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 30th >>


Your love of family and tradition make you a solid foundation among loved ones. You draw appreciation and support from co-workers because of your affinity toward order, discipline and details. You are urged to make the most of the many opportunities you will encounter.

Learn more about the unique strengths and challenges of being born on the 31st >>


What is Numerology?


Common Angel Numbers