The Meaning of the Number 8

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In almost all systems of Numerology, eight is the number of renewal.

Many will discuss this number symbolizing money and power, but its vibration carries so much more. It’s true the power of the 8 is almost always instrumental in building great empires … but it will just as soon destroy them. Because of this, in its highest iteration, this number represents balance. Just like the eternal flow of the infinity symbol (which is the same as the single digit 8 on its side), the energy of the eight must keep moving.

But What Does This Really Mean?

Well, using the ancient art of Numerology, you can see that numbers are SO much more than just digits; they hold unique vibrational patterns (or archetypes) and are containers for the currents of divine, universal life, in which we all flow.

Numbers can be used to describe everything from the DNA sequences that connect you to your ancestors, to your most ordinary and everyday encounters.

Everything in life has a sacred meaning and purpose, and numbers can help you figure out what that is. For this reason, we like to think of Numerology as “decoding the voice of the Universe”.

As well as describing the world around you, numbers and their archetypal, spiritual energy will often serve as signposts, indicating the best decisions to make and the next steps to take. This means that getting to know their unique qualities can bring a huge amount of insight, meaning, reassurance, and guidance for you, whilst you navigate the path of your life.


The Number 11 in Numerology: The Quest for Balance

In Numerology, it’s recognized that the number 8 represents the flow of energy. A lot of the time, this does mean money and power  – this is the language we speak in our modern world. So this number often pertains to the creation of money, to business, achievement, success, and influence.

But one of the main missions and purposes of the number 8 is to learn how to use its influence for the greater good, and not just for personal gain.

People with this number in their Numerology charts –as the Life Path Number, Destiny (Expression) Number or Soul Urge Number tend to be ambitious, strategic, goal-oriented and, from the outside, can appear to “have it all”. These people do seem to achieve a lot, often in a small space of time. But it’s important to realize that a person with the eight in their chart probably faces more than their fair share of challenge and strife. It’s just that they also have this uncanny knack of bouncing back from (perceived) failure.

Eight is a number that also tends to be rational and adverse to risk: You’ll seldom find number 8 people dependent on luck or waiting for a miracle! Instead, they’ll work hard, be strategic and climb their way to the top. They are often down-to-earth (at the same time as enjoying expensive tastes!)

Shadow Traits of the Number 8

The major difficulties faced by people with an abundance 8s in their charts, have to do with control issues. They often take on more than they should simply because they want to make sure things are done the right way. They may have issues with authority (why listen to someone else when you know better?!)

But in fact, much of the ambition of the 8 personalities is driven by a fear of failure, of poverty or of the loss of control, which they usually view as being all the same thing.

Another shadow of those born under the vibration of the eight is falling flat into victim mode. Because this number will face setbacks, will fail and will, in all probability, lose it all more than once, it can be all too easy to sulk and drop even deeper. BUT… this number is all about flow and balance. Finding that resurgence is what it’s all about.


The Meaning of the Number 6


How Numerology Can Improve Your Life