Solar Return Forecast

Valorado 4.73 sobre 5 basado en 139 puntuaciones de clientes
(139 valoraciones de clientes)


A Unique Summary of the Astrological Influences On Your Personality for Your Age & Location

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SKU: 17 Categoría: Etiquetas: ,

¿Qué incluye?

• Detailed Solar Return Forecasts – Approximately 15 Pages

• A Unique Summary of the Astrological Influences On Your Personality for Your Age & Location

• Easy to Understand Detailed Forecasts Around Your Own Unique Birth Chart


Preguntas más frecuentes:

  1. What is a Solar Return Forecast?• Find more details here: Birthday Astrology Explained.
  2. ¿Necesito mi hora de nacimiento para hacer un pedido?• Yes, a birth time will be required for the most accurate forecast.
  3. What else is required for a Solar Return Forecast?• If your birthday has already passed, the location where your birthday was spent would be required. If your birthday is in the future, we would ask for the prospective location your birthday will be spent.
  4. ¿Puedo encargar el informe para otra persona?• Yes, having a forecast for family, friends, or others in your life can be a great tool when trying to understand others’ motivations & emotions in more detail.
  5. ¿Qué sistema de astrología utiliza en sus lecturas?• We utilize western astrology – Tropical Zodiac, and the Placidus house system.
  6. ¿Cuánto tardan en tramitarse los pedidos?• Please allow 1-3 days to process your order. Reports are delivered directly to you via email as PDF files.

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