Aries Sun with Capricorn Moon and Virgo Rising

Sun in Aries with Moon in Capricorn and Virgo Rising Personality Traits:

Aries Sun Capricorn Moon Virgo Rising
Aries Sun Capricorn Moon Virgo Rising

Ambition can be everything to the Aries Sun Capricorn Moon individual. Career and financial goals are your highest priority and can be all-consuming. You may seem warm, outgoing, and kind, but few things interest you as much as status and power.

With an Aries Sun Capricorn Moon, fortunately, you have all the attributes needed to gain the respect you crave and to fulfill your ambitions. Aries’ ardor and urge to initiate are balanced by Capricorn’s logic and practicality.

Having an Aries Sun Capricorn Moon, the drive, enthusiasm, and energy of your personality are complemented by an inner nature that is cautious, calculating, and methodical. Work is important, but less out of a sense of duty than out of your boundless ambition. Once you set your sights upon a goal, the ends often justify the means, and you can be capable of awesome ruthlessness, opportunism, and (in the extreme) cruelty.

For the individual with the Aries Sun Capricorn Moon combination, the challenge for you is to develop a more tolerant, forgiving, and respectful attitude towards others as you climb to personal success and acclaim. Develop a more humanistic attitude. Set some time aside for reading, meditation, and socializing. And expand your perspective into broader emotional, spiritual, and intellectual directions.

With an Aries Sun Capricorn Moon, you have a dynamic, enduring personal magnetism. Others respond to what they perceive as great maturity and responsibility, and you are likely to gain much respect and influence among your peers.

If you have an Aries Sun Capricorn Moon, while maintaining a façade of humor, you manage to manipulate others to your advantage—and, paradoxically, to theirs. Those who earn your friendship will probably find themselves lifted to great height along with you.

Loyalty is important to you, and you are not one to forget those who help you reach success. On the other hand, if challenged or threatened, you can be a formidable and unforgiving opponent.

Very early in life, the Aries Sun Capricorn Moon individual probably took on a lot of responsibility, perhaps because of family difficulties. Their childhood may have been a training ground for later life, with little time left over for fun and games.

This is one reason you have such an ambitious nature. For all your dynamism and decisiveness, you probably feel some insecurity and fear deep down inside which drives you to prove yourself over and over again.

Having an Aries Sun Capricorn Moon, frustration or defeat may push you into depression or chronic anxiety. Try to remember that winning isn’t everything, and learn to value yourself for what you are than what you feel you ought to be.

Professionally, with an Aries Sun Capricorn Moon you are best suited to administrative and managerial careers. You may lack creativity, but you have the executive abilities needed to implement plans and ideas with originality and foresight.

Like all Aries, you are vibrantly sensual. Many Aries Sun Capricorn Moon individuals pursue romance as ardently as power and recognition, but for some there can be deep-rooted insecurities which inhibit the growth of satisfactory relationships. As a partner, you can be affectionate, generous, and loyal, but don’t let yourself get so involved with your ambition that you neglect the personal needs of your partner.

Keywords For An Aries Sun Capricorn Moon:

Unstoppable; ambitious; tough-minded; domineering; enthusiastic and forceful manner; pragmatic intellect; droll sense of humor; sensible; ardent;  persistent; aggressive; good organizer; a realist; the winner; the boss.

Virgo ascendente

Virgo Rising indicates an analytical outlook. Though the degree of emotionalism depends on other influences in your carta natal, it is generally through the mind that you perceive the world. This is not to say you are cold and insensitive. Indeed, the opposite is true, for Virgo Rising individuals have deep and tender emotions and care a great deal about others.

Sin embargo, para Virgo ascendente, el proceso de pensar lógicamente es lo que le produce mayor satisfacción. Aprecias la mecánica afinada de examinar los hechos y la información, encontrar la verdad del asunto e introducir el orden y la razón en casi cualquier situación.

Los individuos de Virgo Rising tienen opiniones bastante fijas, pero no son tan inflexibles como para no cambiar de opinión si analizan detenidamente hechos opuestos. Para usted, el pecado capital es ignorar la propia ignorancia.

Al tener ascendente en Virgo, un defecto a veces es su incapacidad para poner las cosas en perspectiva, una propensión a atascarse en pequeños detalles y perder de vista el panorama general. Magnifica la importancia de un detalle insignificante y luego se resiente si los demás no ven su importancia.

Como individuo con ascendente en Virgo, el trabajo es importante para usted y suele conseguir muchas cosas a lo largo de su vida. A menudo está en guerra consigo mismo, deseando que las cosas le resulten fáciles y necesitando conseguirlas únicamente con su propio esfuerzo. El control -tanto de sí mismo como de los acontecimientos- es lo que le hace sentirse seguro. Resulta que la mayoría de las personas de Virgo ascendente obtienen sus logros gracias a su propio esfuerzo y no a la influencia de los demás.

Con Virgo ascendente, tienes un encanto y una elegancia difíciles de precisar. No siempre es fácil conocerle íntimamente. Tu timidez y distanciamiento (a veces bien disimulados por un barniz social) deben ser penetrados por cualquiera que desee acercarse de verdad. Emocionalmente, te cuesta mostrar tus sentimientos, aunque bajo la superficie siempre hay mucho que hacer.

De niños, con Virgo ascendente, a veces sufrís de mala salud. Afortunadamente, la salud mejora con la edad. Para muchos de ustedes, el matrimonio les aporta propiedades o riqueza. Más adelante en la vida, las personas con ascendente en Virgo suelen convertirse en propietarios, a menudo en el extranjero. Para usted, el éxito suele estar relacionado con los negocios y los viajes a lugares lejanos.

Como persona de signo ascendente Virgo, tiendes a tener un rostro suave y ovalado, ojos que recorren una habitación y lo captan todo, y un cuerpo que da la impresión de fragilidad pero que en realidad es muy fuerte.

The planet Mercurio, which rules Virgo, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Mercury bestows a logical mind, acute powers of observation, an intellectual outlook, perception, and a flair for science and writing. It also encourages fussiness, a nervous temperament, sarcasm, fault-finding, and worry.

Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.

Análisis de la Carta Natal