Sun in Aries with Moon in Aries and Cancer Rising Personality Traits:

A combination of the Aries Sun sign and the Aries Moon sign results in an incredibly dynamic personality: energetic tough, hard-hitting, strong, and magnetic. Self-confidence and independence can become so heightened that they create an obstacle in personal relationships if not controlled in any way.
You’re An Individual, First, Last, And Always.
Having the Aries Sun Aries Moon combination in your natal chart, you may have a tendency to be extremely impatient with others, sometimes to the point of being hostile. You can speak clearly and forcefully, and it has a dramatic impact on others. It’s incredibly difficult for you to comprehend and listen to the struggles of other people.
However, you can be demanding of others around you in the instances when you want to talk about your personal struggles. You’re not a hugely intellectual type of individual and may not have taken or even had the time to pursue a higher education.
The fact is, for the Aries Sun Aries Moon individual, well-educated and pretentious people are among those who they find the most dull and boring.
As an Aries Sun Aries Moon individual, you’re not impressed with abstract ideas or thoughts but only with actions and achievements. However, that doesn’t mean you aren’t using your mind, it’s busy with reading, talking, and active discussion. If you’re looking to get tasks accomplished and completed quickly your skills can meet the need. Your position offers you outstanding leadership traits however, the requirement to cultivate qualities of tact and concern for the opinions of others can hinder your advancement.
Being an Aries Sun Aries Moon, your bright, fresh charm draws others to you, as does your enthusiasm for life. However, your insensitivity at times stops people from becoming too close. Taking enough time to listen to friends and offer them advice is difficult for you.
There’s a bit of self-centeredness and acting without reflection for the individual with the Aries Sun Aries Moon combination. It is accompanied by frustration remaining from childhood. An energy reservoir that cannot be depleted keeps you going. You strive for a life full of experience, in your mind, there is nothing better to live for.
Like a daredevil, there is risk-taking and recklessness in your personality. With an Aries Sun and Aries Moon, essentially you want to be challenged in any situation, whether at work, in love, or just everyday life. You must listen attentively to what others have to say since you’re not perfect. Consider things carefully before taking action and don’t be too eager to jump into situations. There is a tendency among natives of the Aries Sun Aries Moon sign to forget things fast and remain in the moment. This could lead to repeating mistakes. Finding an avenue to release your stored-up energy can be greatly beneficial.
If you have an Aries Sun Aries Moon, in order to be successful in different areas of your life, it’s vital to be physically active in at least some form. It’s also important for your physical health.
You should also improve your ability to be more aware in your interactions with others, especially in romantic relationships. Their desires, needs, and feelings are crucial for a healthy relationship. There is a sense of selfishness underneath your passion and enthusiasm in your search for affection. Possessing a strong sex drive, you may see love as a game to win.
For the Aries Sun Aries Moon individual, a rigid and solitary schedule will never bring satisfaction to you, as changes and challenges are exactly what your inner drive requires. A job that entails many responsibilities and fierce competition will bring out the best in you, however, you should be in a position that doesn’t make you feel trapped in anger and boredom. Restrictive positions can actually harm or even destroy the self-confidence you have. Making progress and undergoing change can bring out your pioneering spirit, and you are the one who can lead in that respect.
Keywords For An Aries Sun Aries Moon:
Bold; quick-thinking; innovative mind; extrovert; passionate; blunt; impatient; self-centered; courageous; intuitive; adventurous; nervous energy; touchy ego; optimistic; progressive; integrity; maverick and crusading temperament.
Cancer Rising
If you have Cancer Rising, you are very sensitive to emotional signals from other people. You have extraordinary insight into human motivation. There is a reserve about you that is sometimes difficult to penetrate, but underneath is a warm, affectionate, loving, and giving nature.
With Cancer Rising, you are adaptable to different kinds of people even though you are not liable to make instant friendships. It takes a while for you to let someone get really close.
Cancer Rising individuals tend to moodiness, and others may not always find you in a receptive frame of mind. Sometimes you can be crabby and impatient and exhibit a snappish temper. You are touchy, and others have to be careful of what they say lest they hurt your feelings. Your sensitivities are so heightened that you sometimes take offense where none was intended.
However, with Cancer Rising, this same sensitivity is what sets you apart from the crowd. You possess great imagination and awareness. Many Cancer Rising individuals are extraordinarily gifted as writers, poets, and painters. Because you are so tuned in to the nuances of other people’s motivations, you are able to absorb what others are feeling and thinking. You pick up opinions, thoughts, facts from all around you and, being very clever and practical (as well as visionary), you are able to put all this information to work for you.
Cancer Rising individuals are also clever with money, prudent and cautious, and have a native shrewdness in business. You know how to make wise investments and where to get the best value. Though you usually have to climb the ladder through your own efforts (rather than the efforts of others), you are likely to accumulate material success as the years go by.
You won’t hog the spotlight, but on the other hand you want public recognition for your talents. With Cancer Rising, acclaim and applause can be hard to come by, so you tend to have a way of feeling sorry for yourself. You complain that the world does not appreciate you, but your complaint is usually an effort to win reassurance that quite the opposite is true.
As a Cancer Rising you have obstacles in your path, especially when young. However, as you surmount each difficulty and succeed (Cancer Rising has great tenacity of purpose), you become stronger and more self-assured.
If you have Cancer Rising, you are likely to have a round expressive face, pale luminous eyes, slender arms and legs, and a rolling gait to your walk. Your body may be thickset through the middle, and you are prone toward putting on weight as you get older.
The Moon, which rules Cancer, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of the Moon bestows kindness, imagination, sympathy, deep emotion, an ability to cherish and protect, a retentive memory. It also encourages laziness, inconstancy, restlessness, passivity, and untidiness.
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