Scorpio Man

The characteristics imbibed by a Scorpio man are like none other. Many a times it so happens that some of the traits observed in people born under different zodiac signs overlap a bit but a Scorpio man is totally unique in his nature. The dominant part of his personality and life is ruled by passion.

Desire towards today’s life, love, work etc. is the driving force behind many of his actions. It is also passion which compels him to make decisions which might even go against any logical explanation. Because of the strength of his enthusiasm, practically the whole of his being is somehow affected by this. His life and love relationships are not excluded. This man has to experience a surge of passion motivated by emotions and deep feelings for a girl or he will not be interested. A Scorpio male does not believe in patience and small talk, his instincts will tell him when his attraction to a girl is genuine.

Many women find this passion attractive in the Scorpio man, but one has to understand that this fervor is a double edged sword. He might be a passionate lover today, but this can end up resulting in jealousy or obsessions etc. tomorrow. This is because both the positive and negative emotions are ruled by passion and hence the reactions and actions both tend to be a bit extreme. Some of these negative traits are further strengthened by a stubborn attitude. It is extremely hard and nearly impossible for a Scorpio man to think that he might actually be wrong. Thus some of these facets of personality will require a lot of patience from their respective love partners. In fact if a woman wants to be in a love relationship with a Scorpio man then she will have to be patient with a lot of things. These are some of the negative aspects but it is well known that Scorpios make great friends. If they truly trust someone then they will stand by their friends no matter what the consequences.

Another thing to be kept in mind about a Scorpio man is that he likes to be in a dominant and controlling position no matter the setup he is in, this means that he likes to be the boss at the office as well as in the house. This might not be such a bad thing as this need to be dominant also pushes him to attempt to shine in all the endeavors he joins in today. He is a highly driven individual with a determination for winning in life or in love. This encourages him to brush things under the carpet that are influencing him in a way that could lessen his chance of success. It is nearly impossible for a man born under this sign to even consider giving up on whatever he is wholly focused on. Depending on the situation this quality could be a either a good thing or a bad thing.

Scorpion men are very passionate and ambitious by nature, aiming for excellence in all that they set their minds to. With the persistence and dedication to boot, this makes them competitive dudes with a very good chance at actually winning and achieving their goals. In the same way, he is likely to brush away the things that he feels might be pulling him down or preventing him from reaching his goals. Because of his intense passion for the things and people he loves, it overflows into other aspects of his life. If he has a love for something or for someone, it will show in everything he says and does. The Scorpion man lives in the intensity of the moment. The emotions are fully there, or none at all. Small talk and patience doesn’t cut it for the Scorpio. He will follow his instincts with a passion, wherever it takes him to.

Women sense in him a magnetic life force, and sexuality is only one part of this magnetism. He projects an aura of mystery and power, of a disturbing, unpredictable, thoroughly masculine presence. One reason Scorpio has such a bad press is that the flaws in his character show up more in his love life than in any other area. Nothing brings out the extremes to which his nature is subject as much as sex.

He has so much energy and passion you’ll have no trouble seducing him, if that’s all you want. What is harder is to form a relationship with him. This is not because he doesn’t want a relationship, for it is, in fact, exactly what he does want. He is an intensely sensitive man who can be easily hurt and who often feels lonely and unfulfilled. The problem is that jealousies and unexpressed angers are very difficult to live with. He has the most indefensible defenses in the zodiac. And the one thing he will never let you see is his vulnerable side. He will never allow a woman to dominate him. If he chooses, he can keep a woman dangling on his string as long as he wants her. When he cuts her loose, no matter how ruthless the parting may be, he’ll be surprised if she shows any rancor. He’s the only one who has a right to be vindictive.

In matters of love he always knows the cost of what he wants to the last decimal point. If the cost is too high, emotionally, financially, or otherwise, he won’t haggle. He’ll simply walk away. The Scorpio man is secretive and hard to fathom, although he often appears likeable, affable, and easy going. What you see on the surface is what he wants you to see. But even when he’s being most amiable, and he can be, there’s a simmering danger to this man.

He is aware of how attractive he is to women and makes the most of it. In his approach to lovemaking he plans his moves carefully, not wasting time but never appearing to be in haste. He is direct and forceful, and there aren’t too many women around who can avoid responding to his uncomplicated physical passion. He brings out the full sensual potential in any woman with whom he’s having an intimate relationship. One of the things that make him really unique as a lover is that he truly understands a woman’s needs and, if he is not threatened, will try to meet them. This vigorous, virile male can be a lot to handle, but Scorpio man makes a woman feel like she’s the best female she can be.
