Crystals for Hope

Hope is necessary to keep humans moving forward. In the absence of hope, we lose the motivation to take action or improve our circumstances. Complete loss of hope can lead to despair or despondency. Sometimes it may feel difficult to keep hope alive. Fostering hope, even in dark times, can help pull you through.

My hope that good things will happen in my life, today and every day, is alive.


List five things you’d like to manifest in your life. Now, write those five things in the form of affirmations, using positive statements as if you already have them. For example, “I am grateful that I have earned my master’s degree.” Now, look at yourself in the mirror, making eye contact, and repeat each affirmation five times.

Remedy #1: Clear Quartz

Hold a piece of clear quartz in your receiving (nondominant) hand as you complete the meditation. The quartz will amplify your affirmations and help connect you with the Source.

Remedy #2: Selenite

Selenite is a high-vibration crystal that can help connect you with hope. Place a piece of selenite on your beside table. As you drift off to sleep, repeat the mantra. When you wake up in the morning, repeat the mantra again 10 times.

Remedy #3: Amazonite

Known as the hope stone, amazonite can help you focus on hopefulness instead of despair. I use amazonite as a worry stone, holding it in my hand and rubbing its smooth surface with my thumb. Carry a piece in your pocket, and rub it whenever you feel you need an infusion of hope.

Remedy #4: Moldavite

Moldavite, a rare and powerful crystal, has a long history of use in bringing hope and healing. People believe that it originated from a meteorite impact in Europe millions of years ago, and its distinct energy is said to facilitate transformation and enlightenment. Moldavite aids in providing clarity, focus, and hope during challenging periods or times of change. Additionally, it offers protection against negative energies and serves as a source of spiritual guidance. By carrying a moldavite crystal, individuals can find courage during difficult moments, empowering them to persevere even when they feel inclined to give up.