Die Kombination Ihres Sonnenzeichens und Ihres Mond sign shows honor, integrity, and authority as very important to you. You are not concerned with your popularity as long as you are true to your high principles and honest with yourself. This combination blends the emotional force, determination, and willpower of Scorpio, with the ambition, shrewdness, realism, and practicability of Capricorn. You have a prudent attitude of mind that features patience, perseverance, endurance, and determination. Business strategy and the details of management organization come naturally to you. A natural sense of caution and reticence marks your professional personality, and you use tact and calculating shrewdness in handling other people and in achieving your long-range goals. Ambition is very strong in your nature, as is the urge for recognition and high office. Steadfast in your opinions, you are slow to change, and you uphold tested and established procedures. Control, management, and organization are your strengths. Your reputation for sound, trustworthy handling of affairs is rarely equaled. You have considerable powers of self-control or deep inward firmness of nature. Yet, circumstances can alter your control and ability to mask your feelings, perhaps stimulating impulsive and aggressive action when you feel the need to force issues. You have a keen understanding of psychology, particularly in matters of group action, control, management, and decision. You feel things deeply but manage to exercise personal control, and your feelings and emotions help serve personal interests and ambitions.
Ihre größten Stärken
Integrity and loyalty to your cause, ability for unremitting hard work, tenacity of purpose, a penetrating eye for hypocrisy and humbug, illuminating dry wit, moral and physical courage.
Ihre größten Schwächen
Inflexibility, ruthlessness, impatience with others’ weaknesses, vanity and sense of self-importance, brooding cynicism, capacity for harsh, unthinking treatment of others.
Ihr Mondzeichen Einzigartige Mondphase
Die Mondphase, unter der Sie geboren wurden, verfeinert Ihre MondzeichenSie offenbaren mehr über Ihre innere Natur, als Sie sich vorstellen können. Vielleicht werden Sie zu bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen oder Denkweisen hingezogen. Und das Wissen um diese Neigungen kann Ihnen helfen, sie zu nutzen - oder sie zu vermeiden.
Were you born on a Steinbock Full Moon? Or was it a Capricorn Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?
Um herauszufinden, was Ihr Mondzeichen und Ihre Mondphase über Sie verraten, Holen Sie sich hier ein kostenloses persönliches Video-Mondlesen.
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse Ihres kosmischen Selbst und gewinnen Sie Klarheit über Ihren einzigartigen Lebensweg. Eine Eingehende Astrologie und Numerologie Geburtshoroskop-Analyse bietet tiefgreifende Einsichten, die Ihnen helfen werden, die Wendungen des Lebens mit Zuversicht und Zielstrebigkeit zu meistern.