Jupiter in Wassermann im 12. Haus

Jupiter in Aquarius in the Twelfth House

Jupiter in Aquarius in 12th House
Jupiter in Aquarius in 12th House

Die Platzierung von Jupiter in Aquarius indicates that you are inclined toward an original and individualistic mode of expansiveness. This sometimes manifests as you adopting an unconventional mode of expansion or as your expansion into unconventional arenas. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Jupiter in Aquarius are a result of your need to expand in ways that enhance your individuality or enhance the impact that you, as an individual, may have for the benefit of the greater whole.

Mit Jupiter in Wassermann, you tend to understand the world and humanity’s place in terms of the individual’s responsibility to society or the way in which you, as an individual, are defined by your differences. With Jupiter in Aquarius, your worldview tends to be one, which provides you with an original and unconventional understanding of the universe through which you grasp the form and structure of the cosmos. You are almost certain to try to understand how your individual freedom may be affected or how you may benefit society before you move expansively into an arena.

The placement of Jupiter in Aquarius is generally full of opportunity. This is symbolized by the natural sextile between Aquarius and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius.  Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign and the sure mental energy associated with Aquarius symbolically provides the expansive functions represented by Jupiter with both freedom and direction. There is some inherent tension in the Jupiter in Aquarius placement, however.  While the Jupiter function responds well to the pull to grow beyond the personal that is associated with Aquarian abstractness, conflict may arise between the natural commitment to the established order symbolized by Jupiter and the typical Aquarian disdain for that order. Ideally, this tension is manifested creatively.


With Jupiter in Aquarius, the tension of creating change within the established order is too much for you. You are too insecure to hold your own individual identity while conforming to society’s mores and expectations. You need to actively and expansively see your individuality expressed in order to validate your self-identity. Your inability to live within the bounds of societal propriety may lead you to revolt and reject the established order and give yourself up to uncontrolled and excessive unconventionality and change.

Jupiter im 12. Haus:

Jupiter in the 12th House has the potential to be either a difficult or a fruitful placement for Jupiter, depending upon your orientation. Generally, if you are focused on Spiritualität, you are likely to experience the greatest benefit from the activities associated with Jupiter in the 12th House. Although Jupiter was once considered a co-ruler of this house, the 12th House is also square to the Ninth House, which Jupiter naturally rules. The potential difficulties in the Jupiter in the 12th House placement stem from Jupiter’s association with the concrete – with this world – as opposed to the 12th House association with the dissipation or transcendence of that which is definite and “concrete.”

The natural energy represented by Jupiter is that of growth through assimilation or expansion into or over something. The 12th House, on the other hand, represents a sphere of life in which the emphasis is on taking away, not adding to.  What is represented by the 12th House may be very troubling for you, since you may wish to assimilate what cannot be collected together, to understand what passes understanding or to enjoy what seems to be ever beyond your grasp or constantly dissipating away. Traditionally viewed as the house of sorrow and suffering, placement of Jupiter in the 12th House may suggest a loss of Reichtum, enjoyment and benefit. It may symbolize the voluntarily or involuntarily sacrifice of your comfort, your wealth or your happiness.

However, having Jupiter in the 12th Haus, everything changes if your orientation is toward spirituality and selflessness. The 12th House then becomes the most fortunate placement for Jupiter, signifying an abundance of Grace and an open door into the secrets of the Self and of the Universe. As an individual with Jupiter in the 12th House, if you turn away from concern about your own welfare or you turn your attention toward a Higher Power during times of adversity, Jupiter may represent a soothing comfort and a promise of true happiness once the material coverings of the soul have been shed. If you are religiously inclined, your religion is apt to take the form of piety, humility and supplication. With Jupiter in the 12th House, you may have a strong belief in fate and the virtue of surrendering to a Higher Power. This is likely to produce an attitude of contentment and acceptance, allowing you to go through your fate, even if it involves suffering or loss, with a positive and cheerful attitude.

Fokus auf Wachstum und Expansion

Da Jupiter im 12. Haus steht, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Wachstum und Expansion in Bezug auf das Unbekannte stattfinden. Dies kann in Form von innerem Wachstum durch wachsendes Bewusstsein der eigenen psychologischen oder spirituellen Dimensionen geschehen. Es kann auf ein Wachstum hindeuten, das durch Leiden erreicht wird, besonders wenn man die Zukunft als unbekannt ansieht. Wachstum kann auch durch ein besseres Verständnis des Unbekannten erfolgen. Mit Jupiter im 12. Haus haben Sie vielleicht ein großes Verlangen, das Verborgene oder Unzugängliche zu erforschen und das Geheimnisvolle zu verstehen. Daher könnte es Sie reizen, sich mit Religion, Psychologie oder Spiritualismus zu beschäftigen und möglicherweise auch zu lehren.

Fokus des Wohlbefindens

Die Stellung von Jupiter im 12. Haus deutet darauf hin, dass Sie Wohlbefinden erlangen, wenn Sie sich in sich selbst zurückziehen und sich in Ihrer Einsamkeit wohl fühlen. Wohlbefinden kann Ihnen auch aus geheimnisvollen Quellen oder scheinbar durch einen Akt des Schicksals zuteil werden. Jupiter im 12. Haus kann auch Wohlbefinden als Trost in Zeiten des Leidens oder der Unsicherheit symbolisieren.

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